
Oh, I write about video games too?

In response to this:

SegaSonic(yes, one word) the Hedgehog, a game you will probably never get to play. Tis one of the only two games where Mighty the Armadillo is actually a playable character. This being the other one. What makes this arcade classic a real gem though, is the appearance and playability of perhaps the most exceptional sonic character of all time. Ray the flying squirrel. Its very possible that his origin lyes in some form of "was supposed to be Tales but spriting accident occurred due to koolaid". Now don't get me wrong but I think an animal with only one tale and still able to fly is just not realistic. You need at least two tales to fly. Thats how mother nature works. Look at birds. They have two tales.

Oh yeah, and it turns out that Ray and Mighty both out age Knuckles by one year. I REALLY LIKE THAT.

"It's time to duel."
-Anonymous individual of vast potential.


The Timely Howard said...

Playing the game is actually not completely outside of the realm of possibility, my friend! A great deal of Chaotix media and information is hosted on this one website I saw; just a second...


They're hosting SegaSonic Arcade in their downloads section (along with the emulator required to play and instructions to get it to work) along with other Chaotix-related games (Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic the Fighters). You can also download the entire Fleetway Chaotix comics collection from their site and they've obtained permission from the original to do so.

Actually playing SegaSonic Arcade is strange, though; as in the video you posted, it was an arcade game that was operated with a trackball, so emulating it means that you'll always be moving at a set speed the entire time.

Although, if you're playing a Sonic game, you should be running at max speed all the time.

Incidentally, I was aware of Sonic 3D Bla-- SegaSonic Arcade, which is why I carefully made sure to say that Knuckles Chaotix was the first foray into home consoles! Arcades don't count!


Christopher said...

Ah, I suppose I should make an effort to do my research when venturing into thou timely realm.

It might interest you to know that archie comics will be releasing trades of both the old sonic and knuckles series. Maybe if they're successful enough they'll make trades of the nights and chaotix minis. Now, wouldn't that be something?

Demonoid also has a great torrent of every sega related comic archie ever did, if your an avant fan with nil money.