
On Advice.

Sometimes I feel I'm a bit young to be giving out advice. When the word wisdom is spoken the first thing to come to mind (always) is that old man with a long beard sitting on top of a mountain. Climbing up the mountain are thousands of misdirected souls who seek advice. Most of them will never make it to the top but the risk is worth it because this guy really knows his stuff. When you have a chance to talk to a guy like that you take it even if its life threatening. What if he wasn't an old man though? What if he wasn't even capable of growing a decent beard? Well the truth is that the chance of someone climbing that dangerous mountain is going to drop considerably. As of this account I have recently put thought into advertising this blog as being written by a dieing ninety year old man who's last wish in life was to spread his vast knowledge across the Internet. I wounder if you could actually tell the difference between word presented to you by an old man and an impostor. An experiment for another time? I thinks maybe.

Knowledge is something you gain with practice and wisdom is something you gain with time. Wisdom is based on the way you address knowledge. To this avail it becomes true that a being who has been around longer then you is more then likely to be a wiser guy then you. However because knowledge is such a vast thing, because its more then impossible to take it all in, even the opinions of a deluded youth such as myself become feasible. Also new and important knowledge is appearing all the time which young people generally tend to grasp faster. Like the Internet for instance or computers in general. I know few people over the age of sixty that have a firmer grasp on the stuff then I (which is actually not all that firm). However with that said I would like to point out that almost all people of that same age have a far thicker grasp on the mystery's of life then I (which in turn I imagine is no where as thick as they would like it to be).

Its possible that in order to listen and accept advice from others you need to carry some form of respect for the person giving it to you. Your not gonna address everyday situation with advice from some crazy guy on the street. Actually maybe you would but thats not the point. Is age not the most universal form of respect? I myself respect everyone that is 100 years old by default because any one that is that old has to at very least carry some form of bad assery. Am I right?

Anyways back to the part about there being to much knowledge for any one person. The thing is everyones life is going to be completely different and at all moments you will always be learning something weather you realize it or not. So why not take consideration of everyones advice? It has to have some form of experience and logic backing it up other wise the apparentness of it being useless will be visible right away. Again everyones advice is gonna become more feasible as they age and put to numerous tests but theres really no reason for you to not listen to other people speak their minds.

Geez this started as a guitar advice column. What the hell happened. Maybe I should change the blog name to “The Word”.

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