
Therapist or Therroist?

The word therapist was printed in a strange manor and for some odd five minutes I thought the characters were talking about "The rapist". Who was this rapist and why had Johnathon been spending so much time with him, revealing his inner most secrets and putting use to his advice? What sort of rapist was he? Maybe he was friendly and like that website that was dedicated to throwing pies at politicians, only raped bad people. Perhaps he was not born a rapist. Perhaps at some key moment in his life he was bitten by a rapeula (likely he had failed to climb the rope in gym class and after absorbing severe ridicule, he runs outside in tears. The tears make him partially blind and he fails to see that he is about to run smack into destiny.)

At first he is reluctant of his new ability's but then realizes his vast potential. Sadly though, he abuses this potential. He runs about New York city as if he was king, raping all things of interest. NOT ONE IS SAFE.

Then on one ominous day we find our protagonist in an old warehouse. He is just finishing up on a strange man he had found on a street, a strange man whom is wearing a familiar mask which our hero finds oddly alluring. When he has had his way with the man, our hero tears the mask off only to reveal the most ironic of horrors. The entire time he had been raping only himself.

Let that sink in for a moment.

He begins to cry, realizing that he has done more damage then he can undo, that with great power comes great responsibility, and that his great gift must from now on, only be used for good. He then takes to the criminal underworld, with justice at hand.

Alas it seems the printing of the word was at fault and all these things did not happen. Upon learning this I have abandon my book for it will no longer be enjoyable.

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