
A Boy In His Basment.

I try to but I really cant remember the days when it was safe to go above. Could I have been to young to remember what it was like? Perhaps the experience in itself was far to traumatizing for my mind to hold on to. Either way here I am and here I stay. For most of the time. I do have to make the occasional trips to the above in order to gather resource and sustenance so I might go on living for a bit longer. Thats just how it is.

My routine has become fairly tight and its gotten to the point where I just do what I need to do. Generally I will be woken up around what would have been 8 am to the sound of scampering coming from over my roof. The creatures are awake and this is the time they generally begin to go about their business. What they do up there is beyond my understanding and likely always will be. Sometimes they yell and fight with each other and other times they seem quite content and accepting. I fear they have become aware of my existence though. Often times I will hear screams from above that seem to be directed at me.

“Dinner Time!”

Why they call for me I will never know. Is there reason for it? Perhaps they lack any sense at all and simply spurge out chaotic phrases at random with no real logical meaning in any form of context. Often I think that they are waiting for me, that they need me. Do they wish to feed on my young flesh and fats? If so why do they wait, why have they not come for me. Is it possible that they are as confused and afraid as I? Do they speculate in such manners similar to myself? Is it worth it to try and reach out to them then? Should I make an attempt to put an end to such a fear? No I can not. To many times has man been destroyed by that which he dose not understand. The risk is far to great. I will just have to go on as I do.

By around what would be noon, on most days they seem to all leave their nests so they may attend some form of congregation. Could these meetings exist for the sole reason of discussing my fate? It is at these times where I can climb to the above and gather what I need to survive. The climb is surprisingly a short one. You would think there would be some sort of wall separating us or at very least a more treacherous path in between. No the climb lasts only what would have been less then a single minute. The above is far warmer and brighter then the cold unders which I dwell in. The lands above are far vaster then where I come from. The particular places that I tend to visit seem to be divided into different quarters each with their own unique purpose. There is one for feeding, one for rest, and another for what appears to be recreation. Most of the things I collect come from the feeding grounds, it is here that I make my first stop.

The ground is covered in a thin wood which is in turn coated with some form of shine the creatures were able to harness and force upon random objects. At the center of this place lies a great chamber. Inside are the items I have come for. The chambers inside are cold even more so then my own home. Inside all forms of nutrition are stored and most are ripe enough for my own taking. I pack what I need into my rucksack and head back for the path leading to the basement. Something stops me though. A noise. A door near the feeding grounds swings open and behind it stand one of the creatures. It turns to stair at me. The monsters look pierces my soul, those eyes make me long for desires that have long left me, things that are now impossible to attain. Then it begins to speak words.

“Andy, its nice to see upstairs. You really need to spend more time outside as opposed to always playing those xboxes of yours. Anyways work was tiering I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. Ill call you up for dinner in a few hours.”

My god the creature knows of my given title? There was no telling what else they knew or even had. Perhaps they were not afraid of me as I had speculated? It could be possible that well I took my own time to rest and rejuvenate they moved down on my home, collecting things for themselves and learning all that they could. This was bad. There was no hiding anymore. I had to escape back to my catacombs and decide what to do about this problem.

I made my rush back to the down bellow thankfully avoiding any other confrontation with the abnormality's of the above. Upon arriving at my home I take the time to rest and reflect of the strange things I have witnessed.

The creatures surprisingly carry a striking similarity to myself. It is quite possible that they believe me to be one of their own. Thus I have decided to take act on this notion and infiltrate the enemy nests. Come the calling at what would have been 6 o clock, I shale move to the above and act as if I am one that is meant to dwell there. Over the years I have taken notes on what little manners and action of the creatures I could understand. I would have only a short time to study these notes and use them efficiently come the calling.

To Be Continued


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