
Some more words.

Once again my commitment to the blog has fallen off a mountain and landed beside the pile of internal motivation I drooped earlier. Its quite fitting that they are to lay dieing togeather. Its completely fine with me actually. I don't need either of them, watch as I get by with new unheard methods of self encouragement. Glory to me.

So there are a few things I would like to mention. First I would like to thank slices of cake for all the kind shit they laid down regarding yours truly. I was expecting them to actually send me a slice of cake or something of the like but words are fine too I guess. After all it was words that saved the world not cake, right guys?

Seconded thing of mentioning: Music. Lots of good stuff has come out this year and if you haven't checked out any of the following then maybe you should.

The Raconteurs-Counselors Of The Lonley
The Black Mages-Darkness & Starlight (if your into metal covers of video game songs)
Holy Fuck-LP
Matt Costa-Unfamiliar Faces

I'm out. Maybe ill have a grotesque short story or something better for you tomorow.


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