
Nu Bookstore.

Oh hello nice to see you again. Can I get you a drink or perhaps a biscuit? Maybe we shall sit by the fire and reminisce? Whats that? You would like to know whats new with me? Well from my point of view, not a whole lot but I am most certain the change demons would argue that point till gravity no longer works in my favor. Thus I write this:

I went to the new Mcnally Robinson in polo park yesterday and its probably the most modern book store we have here in Winnipeg. First off the entire thing is underground save the music section. I really love buildings that are underground, it gives me a vast sense of, well.. being underground. It has a really tight feeling to it though, everything is fairly close togeather which can be a good or bad thing. I also picked up Niel Gaiman's Stardust and I'm already about half way though it. The book is regarded as a "lite novel" mainly because it carries the same mass of words that a normal novel would encompass as well as a large host of art spread out through every page. And what great art it is. The story itself some what seems to be filling my own personal gap of "the missing fairy tale" and thats exactly what it feels like. Strangely enough though Niel likes to categorize stardust under romance. This is part of the reason I think labels are not a great thing to emphasize on whatever your selling be it writing or musical genres. If I had known stardust was regarded as a romance novel I most certainly never would have picked it up. However I am now quite glad that I did not because I am throughly enjoying the story.

Another thing that happened at the book store--crime, theft, and villainy. As we were leaving the music section of the store and heading back down stairs a wiley middle aged man began to yell at a pare of female teenage miscreants and a small child that likely carried quite an embarrassment for her older siblings/friends/parents/hopefully not parents. From what I could make out the two had stolen some form of Japanese vampire comic paper inhibitor. The man whom appeared to have no connection to the book store or the teenagers grabbed the book from the two with his left hand well administering justice with his right.

Except for the part about his right hand.

He told the two he would call mall security on them and shamed them for committing such an act well in the presence of such a young child. He then proceeded to back flip over the escalator that lead to the basement and the rest of the store where he would ultimately return the book to the stores owners then proceed to fly out the side window in a manor most heroic. We certainly need more people like him in this city.

Thought I would start ripping off Aaron and end things with a quote holding some form of relevance to the rest of the post.

“We all not only could know everything. We do. We just tell ourselves we don't to make it all bearable.”
-Niel Gaiman

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