
2:00 AM and feeling Romantic. Here:

All noise is nil save the sound of my fingers pressing up against the keys, my keyboard is not as quiet as I would like. My family has all gone to the dreaming and with them they have taken all their stress and confusions. The atmosphere of my home now in itself has time to rest, he is tired for his walls have spent the last twelve hours protecting those that would threaten him most. It is the cursed duty of a house to do so. I am thankful that I was not born one as he. I do have a different burden to carry though. Charged with chronicling irrelevant events that no man of the like would carry any true interest in viewing. However, unlike my house this is not something I am forced to do. I do this all out of my own assent. I suppose if my building did have the will to then he might simply make the choice to fall over and give up. But then again he is a strong and old home and he has seen many things. Falling over is a fools option this late in the game.

Yes it is quiet. There is a fan blowing, I suppose it does not need to blow but I should not tell it to stop. It almost worries me that in another eight hours the quiet will be gone again and the confusion, stresses, and general human madness will return. But then again, when those moments do arise, I will take note to keep in mind that the night will always return with its calms.

Remember always that the night covers all. She does appear cold at first but I assure you, she only wishes you the best. I would take the night over the day at any time. However they would hardly exist with out each other and so you must respect them the same.

...or else you will find that you have strayed into staying up far to late and are now basking in her blanket alone.

It's not that bad.

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