
Bump in the night.

Just grabed the Bumblebeez prince umberto. Its so god dam catchy. And they jam to.

So my bed and general area of sleeping is positioned in a small room beside the furnace of my house. The constant humming of the thing apparently causes most to believe sleeping in my bed would be a feat most difficult. Well up until now Ive been completely fine with it. At around 4 AM this mourning the machine begins to let out this hounding screech, a sound that you would think belonged to death himself as opposed to a house hold necessity. So I get up, wide awake and my first thought is "Shit, aliens." Well I soon came to my senses and realized no such thing was happening. I then proceeded to run upstairs to tell me mom "Mom, the furnace is making sounds of the deathly fashion, I am going to shut it off so I can go back to sleep.". Then proceeded to head over to the main power grid (yeah my house has a power grid) and shut it off. Being tired and paranoid, I though I would sleep on the couch. Surpsingly I am not as tired as I thought I was.

Anyway going to watch some jazz tonight after work. Should be jazzy.


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