
The mess.

Recently I came across a link regarding the hunger situation in Haiti. Apparently mud--dirt is being laced with sugar and oil and being sold off to the populace as a sort of last resort stomach filler. Human ingenuity indeed. So I decided to look further into the matter which of coarse brought me to the new yorker, a news paper that throws down many decent complaints regarding problems of all sorts but fails to make attempt at solution. For the most part anyway. This is fine with me, solutions--working solutions are difficult to come by. And if they're not then they generally tend to be blatantly implied or so irrational and absurd to implement that they just get ignored all togeather. The world hunger problem seems to have one of these solutions. If everyone in the world, all sixty eight odd billion of them, consumed the amount of resource the average North American does then the world would surely end in less then a few short days. Overpopulation, the planet simply does not have enough stuff. For everyone to survive then we are either going to have to find an alternate method of administering sustenances (nutrition lasers sound cool?) or divide everything up equally. Both of these don't feel reliable to me, people love materialism to much, more then starving Haitians. I for one, although reluctantly admitting, really like to own stuff. So whats going to happen then? There could be a war but I think its more likely that some time in the future a lot of people are going to die. I'm talking like ten digits in a year. It might get delayed for awhile but its more then bound to happen, were god damn rabbits, we love sex. Putting a birth cap on family's might happen but the idea itself screams of two much Orwell for people to really tolerate. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not putting enough faith in the human race.

Rapid population diminishment (I don't know what the real term is) is a natural thing. We see it happen to animals all the time, in my own city, as of recently the summers have become occupied with masses of vile tree devouring worms. In a few years from now they will have all but disappeared however, over time the worms will gradually rework their great scheme and rebuild their empire which will in turn fall apart etc Its the circle of life, humans have yet to run the entire thing, overpopulation just means were getting closer and closer to the finish line.

"Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more"

-I'd love to change the world, Ten Years After.

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