
Bacon Vodka Étude: The begining

It seemed hopeless. The night had swaggered into what seemed a dead end. Few thoughts were made on what we were to do with ourselves and even fewer were spoken. Then out of the black six syllables were thrown down and four words were spoken.

"Lets make bacon vodka"

The agreement was thick with not one opposition. The recipe was given to us long ago although few of us thought any such use would come of it. We were wrong.

Yes this was a night filled high with ambition. The boys were never this anxious to do anything. Not ever. Something was different tonight though. Everyone felt it. Even Dan.

Even Dan

On with our jackets, into the icy night. The four piled into the tight station wagon and we were off. The first stop was the Liquor store where we managed to obtained a decent bottle of skyy (Is there any other kind?). From there we headed down to ol Joshes. It was here that we would acquire the containment jars that were required of the recipe.

Dan droved.

Chris and josh passengered.

In three weeks time we were sure to be feeling alright. The bacon vodka would take at least this long to ferment. The rest of the recipe goes as follows: Bacon is to be fried to satisfaction then put into jars. We decided putting bacon fat in one of the jars was a good idea. Vodka is then pored into the jars. Jars are then to be sealed and stored in a dark dry place with zero sun light.

Bacon, Jars, Vodka.


Washing the fermenting jars under Colin's strict Order.

Bacon goes in jar! K!

Bacon greese gose into Jar! K!

Vodka into the jar. YEAH YEAH .

The Final product of the day. One on the left has all the bacon fat and one on left has none.

Uh oh its Colin's Dad! What are we gonna do?

Whats left: We have to actually drink the stuff. Sadly it wont be ready for a few weeks so everyone is just gonna have to wait. Well you do that take a look at the first sentence from every paragraph in this post (excluding the first one) thats not a photo description. You get a secret poem!


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