
Winnipeg and Anon vs COS

Update: So supposedly Winnipeg had the coldest protest out of all the cities that took part in yesterdays "assault on freedom". With a temperature of minus 30 we have been deemed warriors of ice and in some cases "Celsius rebels".

Neah I made that up. Heres one more picture and I might drop a video later but I'm thinking this topic is already running dry.

February. 10, the day the "SUPER HACKER" group known as ANON:?OMEeSS promised the
world they would begin their physical attack on Scientology. Personally I don't know weather to view this situation as pure hilarity or a terrifying warning that something terrible is about about to happen. A friend and I recently came to the conclusion that a single person with above average intelligence and a somewhat keen
understanding of technology could easily manipulate these kids, in a discreet
fashion into doing whatever the hell he wants.

On a side note another thing that bugs me about COS criticism is the fact
that 4channers and diggers don't source stuff. School makes you do it, Wikipedia
makes you do it, I think a "SUPER HACKER" group should make you do it. Especially
when they are using this none sourced information to dismantle and damage physical
organizations. That might just be me though. I mean I make my friends throw down
references when we argue about popcorn. Anyways here are the photos I promised of
the COS assault in my local city of Winnipeg.

I am very disappointed with the lack of Guy Fawkes masks.

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