
In which Hunter speaks of otherwise irrelevant moments which have taken place today.

Grandma marmalade, fresh bread, tea and a blog. A decent way to spend my next few minutes, or so I would say.

I got an interesting call from my Grandmother today. Apparently she has found a mass of next to ancient Ukrainian vinyls and sheet music, she has decided to entrust the lot to me so I may go about figuring out exactly what the stuff is and if it carries any form of value. Why I am interested in such a mess, I will likely never understand. Perhaps it is the general human excuse for curiosity or maybe the simple fact that a far wiser and older person then I has entrusted something of potential value to me. It could also mean I'm bored. Anyway if I find anything cool ill make a post about it.

I also dropped an application off at U of W today. I saw a few people I hadn't seen in awhile and I handed them a fair amount of hellos. For those of you who don't know (I love to pretend people read this), in our city of Winnipeg there are two secondary education institution's that are generally regarded as standards for those whom seek higher education. The University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg. I attended the first for half a semester last fall but later pulled out. I truly felt as if I was being pushed into a crevice I had no interest in being pushed into. I feel there is no reason for one such as I to get a nice cushy job, money is a fine thing and dangerous thing at that however I would much rather earn small amounts of it well pleasing myself as opposed to large amounts well sucking the reptilian phallus of an over privileged cunt with no recognization for any form of human morality.

So I took half a year off to pounder many a thing and I have yet to regret doing so, although theres still plenty of time for that... I plan on using the money I spend at the U of W to turn myself into a better writer, weather or not such occupation has any potential to carry me anywhere.

Also: Apparently recognization is not a word which in turns bewilders me for I have been using it for some two, three odd years. I will continue to do so, in fact the fact that it is my own word gives me even more reason to keep it alive. This isn't china, I'm gonna keep my baby girls alive.

"Keep your chin up. That way you cant see how shitty all our lives are."
-Colin Mercer

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