
In case you haven't been keeping up.

In case you haven't been keeping up, Warren Ellis is doing a free online comic. He's a good writer, check it out. Also in case you haven't been keeping up, Warren Ellis is also writing the Castlevania movie. Now I'm not sure he's the best pick for this thing but hell, we all love the guy. When a fan asked him "How the f*** did this come about" He simply stated "They called me up and told me they had money". Apparently the studio representatives then proceeded to ask if he had ever played the games, Mr. Ellis in turn ran to his computer and logged on to wikipedia and began to pretend that he in fact did play the games. He threw down the name alucard a few times and mixed in some mumbled articulation. These few things guaranteed him the job and likely a lot of god damned money. Thats pretty cool, I think. Now I can be happy with the movie be it really good or less fun then a barrel full of smoked and powdered pig snouts. Either way Warren gets his money and I get some chuckles.

Also, in case you haven't been keeping up, the Junos were today. Now I basically don't watch tv and I ignore mainstream music to such a heavy extent that if my ignorance landed on me I would be in a less then fun situation. I was at my dads though who in turn just returned from his 9 day adventure in Vancouver, more on that in a sec. So there wasn't much to do there, I was playing guitar and the such but nothing good was coming out of my fingers. So suddenly my younger sister turns the television on. "OH MA GAUD ITS THEE JUNOS". Yes, the junos, indeed. So I started watching, and nothing of interest really popped out. Avril Lavigne did a song and I decided it important to explain the music theory behind overly occurring pop rock chord progressions to my sister. My annoying older brother points have grown substantially since. So I kept watching and kept throwing out the occasional criticism . Then Leslie Fiest came on stage. I had never truly given the girl a listen and pretty much dismissed her for being popular. People have told me to check her out but... you know, I'm a pretentious jerk. Anyways the performance leaked creativity, the song itself was nothing special but I could tell this girl was not just another marionette, she sweat creativity and the urge to play notes. Its people like her that give me hope for the radio. I think I might check her out.

Last thing, In case you haven't been keeping up, my dad went to B.C. to save the world from something he refuses to speak of around me out of concern for my well being. He brought me back some cool tea though. Its called Elixar. I really like tea by the way, I have a small collection of rare loose teas and my own strainer. I find the stuff gives you a more natural energy boost then coffee which in turns makes me perspirate and shake as a schizophrenic or nervous comedian would. Anyway this Elixar stuff is no ordinary tea. He picked it up in a building that was described as the equivalent of a Chinese opium den. But like in Canada ...and for tea. The stuff is a mixture of black tea and a strange assortment of passion flowers, albizzia flowers, vitamins, and peppermint. Apparently the stuff gives you an extreme boost in natural energy and zen thus I was not able to try it tonight. I enjoy sleep.

You can order the stuff and other intriguing concoctions here.

Anyways, I'm going to bed now.

"We may have been crazed, strange and entirely too eager to find new things to have sex with - but we went out to preserve great chunks of this planet's cultures and we damned well did it with some style."

-Warren Ellis, Transmetroplitan

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